
도공체험 사례

도공이 끝나고 무릎이 시원해졌습니다.

2015.12.25 | 조회 1269

Hwang, Byeong-joo. Nohseo, Gyungju  

June 8th , 2015 

5월 31일 도공시 주문을 따라 읽으며 무릎을 두드렸는데 예전에 등산을 하면서 무릎에 충격이 많아서 늘 무릅이 늘 아파서 오래 않아있지 못하고 걸을 때도 통증이 있었는데 

도공이 끝나고 무릎이 시원하다는 느낌을 받았고, 집으로 걸어갈 때 무릎에 소리가 몇 번 나더니 더 이상 아프지 않게 되었다고 합니다. 

Hwang, Byeong-joo practitioner said “His knees were injured because of his previous mountain climbings. So, He was  unable to sit for a long time and usually his knee ached whenever he walked around a while. 

However, during the first dynamic meditation last May 31, he patted his knees while chanting the mantras. After dynamic meditation, his knees felt smooth and cool. On his way back home, he heard some sound several times coming from his knees as walked, but he doesn’t feel any pain after.”

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